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McLaren Nu-Air® Solid Cushion Tires

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    McLaren NU-AUR® Flat Proof Tires for Skid Steers, Backhoes, and Telehandlers

    McLaren NU-AIR® tire integrates the strength and stability of a solid tire with the smooth, cushioned ride of a pneumatic tire.

    • Heavy-duty rubber compound and extra deep lugs ensure 3 to 5 times the life expectancy of pneumatic tires
    • Never waste time and money on flat tires again
    • Semi-Pneumatic Technology™ provides optimum shock absorption and a smooth, air-cushioned ride
    • Up to three layers of deep cushion holes prevent damage to the machine on the roughest terrain
    • Specially engineered sidewalls prevent punctures and snags in severe cutting conditions
    • The deep tread provide more traction in snow, sand, or deep mud
    • The extra weight of the tires increases machine stability and reduces bouncing
    • Tires come with rims for easy installation

    McLaren manufactures solid tires for the most popular skid steers, backhoes, telehandlers, wheel loaders of Bobcat, JCB, Gehl, Mustang, Volvo, Komatsu, Liebherr, Terex

    McLaren Nu-Air Cushion Tires

    McLaren appreciate the needs of our customers. Our tires are used by customers world-wide and our aim is to help their work run more efficiently by making their vehicles perform to their utmost capability. Our different ranges cater for most machines, allowing them to perform in all climates and possible environments. Here we outline the Nu-Air Solid Cushion Tire, ideal for machines working at height, such as forklifts and telehandlers, but also perfect for skid-steers, backhoes, and wheel loaders.

    An explanation of Solid Cushion Tire Technology

    The Nu-Air Solid Cushion Tire is based on McLaren’s Semi-Pneumatic Technology. The basis for this design is air-cells deeply seated around the radius of the tire. They are aligned and carefully shaped (see illustration) to produce a cushioning effect similar to that of ordinary pneumatic tires. The difference to traditional tires is these air pockets are situated deep within the rubber – too deep to be penetrated by sharp debris in the workspace. As a second line of defence each cell is individual and isolated, so should one cell be penetrated (which is very unlikely!), this incursion will not have the same impact as on a traditional, ‘single’ cell tire – a flat. Any damage is mitigated, and work continues as normal. These tires are flat-proof.

    A Traditional Pneumatic Forklift Scenario

    In a warehouse, imagine: one or more forklifts working. Unloading goods IN. Then shelving them in storage in a pre-assigned place where they can be easily located and collected quickly to put together an incoming order. After the collection of an order, the next job is to load this onto the delivery truck. Simple – this can be carried out using one or more ‘trucks in coordination to get the order out as rapidly and efficiently as possible. In large warehouses several forklifts may be dedicated to one particular bay, and constantly working to service its traffic.

    Deliveries are usually agreed to arrive with the customer at a certain time – sometimes this is backed-up with a guarantee – or a penalty for late delivery. Another factor is the use third-party delivery firms – these companies also run on tight schedules. If a puncture occurs, they (and the customer) will have to bear the delay until forklifts are reassigned and the loading completed. In a very busy and coordinated warehouse, a pneumatic puncture can be chaos – and then there is the knock-on effect of another bay being behind, and paperwork and ‘phone calls… this scenario is not possible using Solid Cushion Tires.


    Integrity and Stability

    These are vital requirements when working at height and manipulating loads. Our forklift tires added density balance the necessity of stability with the architecture of the flat-proofing. As these machines steer with rear wheels, good ground contact is essential. McLaren design and the quality compounds used ensure a maximum operating footprint is maintained.

    McLaren produced the Nu-Air Solid Cushion Tire with these necessities in mind – and the technology is now highly valued and appreciated by our customers.


    Other Benefits of the Solid Cushion

    These tires are oblivious to punctures and the lost time this causes. They have this strength while maintaining the cushioning effect of air-filled tires. This is important as some cushioning is required for the load, and to prevent the wear that totally solid tires cause to the components of the machine, especially the undercarriage. Nu-Air Solid Cushion Tires are a result of technical design craftsmanship, finely balancing the need for stability, strength and durability.

    McLaren keep up a constant OEM network, trying our products out against the competition, and listening to customer feedback. In trials, figures show that Nu-Air Solid Cushion Tires last up to 5 times longer than competitors’. This is due partly to design, partly to the highest quality manufacturing we employ, and also to the rubber compound used in the making of McLaren tires.

    We can provide these tires for all makes of forklift. All Nu-Air Solid Cushion Tires come supplied with rims to make installation simple. To find out how we can upgrade your machine, call us now.